cup of espresso with soft lightly background

Is Espresso Good for Weight Loss? 5 Surprising Benefits!

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Onwards with the weight loss train. Just as I put another Nespresso pod into my machine, waiting to extract the black liquid frothy goodness and smelling the aroma of the morning cuppa.

I wondered whether Espresso helps me lose weight. It sparked the train of thought and investigative journey. 

In this post, we will dig into the deep end of Espresso, not necessarily from the angle of coffee enthusiasts but through research findings.

We will cover Espresso and how it differs from regular coffee. Most importantly, how does Espresso consumption aid with weight loss?

So, please grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let us dive in.

What is Espresso? How does it differ from regular black coffee?

side by side picture of an espresso on the left and a regular cup of coffee on the right

Espresso is a concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing hot pressurized water through finely-ground coffee beans. Espresso is different from regular coffee (drip or filtered coffee) in that:

1. Brewing Method: Espresso uses a particular machine that forces hot water through finely-ground coffee beans at high pressure. Regular coffee is typically made by dripping hot water through coarser grounds, with gravity doing most of the work.

2. Flavor and Texture: Espresso has a more robust, more concentrated flavor and a thicker, almost creamy texture. It also has a layer of froth on top, known as crema. Regular coffee is lighter in texture and has a milder flavor.

3. Serving Size: Espresso is served in small shots, whereas regular coffee is served in larger cups, often ranging from 8 to 16 ounces (240 to 475 ml).

4. Coffee Grounds: Espresso uses finely ground coffee beans, almost like powder. Regular coffee uses more coarsely ground beans.

5. Caffeine Content: Espresso contains more caffeine than a regular cup of coffee per ounce. 

6. Customization: Espresso is often used as a base for drinks like lattes, cappuccinos, and Americanos. Regular coffee is usually served black or with milk and sugar.

You might already be aware of some health benefits of Espresso. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can combat free radicals. It helps with high blood pressure and prevents the risk of heart disease.

Today, let us focus on Espresso’s surprising weight loss and fat burning benefits—all thanks to the two main components in the Espresso: Caffeine and Chlorogenic acids.

a scale and a measuring tape for weight loss purpose.
Photo by Pixabay

Five surprising weight loss benefits of Espresso

1. Turbocharge Your Physical Performance

Caffeine in coffee is a potent aid in helping athletes train hard and for longer period of time. 

A study published in 2001 showed that caffeine had been found to increase speed and power in various activities ranging from 60 seconds to 2 hours. 

a woman with enhanced physical performance with espresso consumption

Though data on caffeine’s impact on raw strength is still in the works, it is a proven champion in enhancing endurance and staving off fatigue. It achieves this without side effects such as draining your body’s fluids or tipping off its delicate ion balance (Graham, 2001).

So next time, before you hit your grueling leg day workout or get your groove on with cardio dancing, take a single shot of Espresso, or espresso drinks might give you the energy boost your body needs. It can help you go harder and longer, burning more calories. 

2. Ignite Your Calorie Furnace with Thermogenesis

The caffeine in Espresso stimulates thermogenesis, the process of the body producing heat through the metabolism of food and nutrients.

A research study examined how coffee affects the body’s ability to produce heat and burn fats and sugars for energy in women with different body types – lean and obese. 

They found that coffee with caffeine helps lean and obese women produce heat, increase metabolic rate, boost metabolism, and burn more fats and sugars. This effect is even more substantial and lasts longer in lean women (Bracco et al., 1995).

Next time you sip on that rich Espresso, take a moment to savor its robust flavors. Remember that not only are you treating yourself to a delightful and invigorating drink, you are also giving your body an incredible calorie-burning boost! Setting the stage for an energized day ahead.

f a steaming espresso cup with graphical flames or waves emanating from it to represent the heat and energy produced in the body after consuming espresso

3. Espresso’s Fight Against Body Fat

Maintaining a proper balance of sugars and fats within our body’s cells is crucial for overall health. When this balance is disturbed, it can lead to a range of health issues, including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Enter Chlorogenic Acid, a compound found bountifully in Espresso that garnered attention in a 2013 scientific review. Chlorogenic Acid fights bacteria, protects cells from damage, and may even defend against cancer.

What is particularly interesting is Chlorogenic Acid’s potential role in managing sugars and fats within our bodies. Chlorogenic Acid holds immense promise for proactive measures in forestalling or managing metabolic imbalances and affiliated maladies (Meng et al., 2013).

As you savor the bold taste of your next Espresso, take pride knowing that Espresso’s Chlorogenic Acid is actively working behind the scenes. It regulates your sugars and fats, thereby contributing to a healthier you and fortifying your defenses against a spectrum of metabolic disorders.

4. Heightened Focus and Alertness

The caffeine found in Espresso serves as a catalyst for elevating alertness and honing attention and focus. 

espresso caffeine heighten alertness and focus

Caffeine-heightened mental clarity can be instrumental in cultivating a disciplined approach to weight loss, empowering you to make astute food choices.

According to a 2013 research paper, caffeine improves performance on simple and complex tasks. It has positive effects on making people more alert and better at controlling their responses (Einöther & Giesbrecht, 2013).

So, GOOOOO, Team Espresso! You are getting a pick-me-up and tuning up your brain for better focus and decision-making – including those crucial food choices. With Espresso in your hand, you are well on your way to conquering your weight loss journey and crushing your goals. 

5. Keep Hunger at Bay

Espresso emerges as an unexpected ally when shedding those extra pounds, largely thanks to its caffeine content. 

A fascinating aspect of caffeine is its potential to act as a temporary appetite suppressant. It brakes on hunger pangs, helping you avoid reaching for that extra snack. 

Moreover, strategically timing your espresso intake can maximize this benefit. A review paper showed that consuming caffeine approximately 30 minutes to 4 hours before your next meal might be the golden window (Schubert et al., 2017).

So next time hunger tempts you to wander into the kitchen, grab an espresso instead and make it your secret weapon in curbing those cravings. Cheers to a slimmer, smarter, and more focused you!

woman avoiding snacks and keep hunger at bay with the help of espresso
Photo by Picas Joe

Going Beyond the Short Term

There we have it, the five surprising weight loss-aiding benefits of a mighty cup of Espresso.

Integrating Espresso into your daily routine could be a great addition to sustainable weight loss in the long term. 

It enhances physical performance and focus and stimulates thermogenesis for burning more calories. Additionally, its rich content of Chlorogenic Acid is noteworthy for fighting against fat. 

Leveraging Espresso’s mental clarity and endurance can help you achieve your fitness goals. It will help you make smarter food choices, avoid reaching for excessive snacks, and consistently push through your exercise routines.

Combine this with a keen eye on a calorie deficit, where you are burning more amount of calories than you are consuming. You got a winning strategy for fat loss and for weight gain prevention.

balancing physical activity with nutritious food
Photo by Gustavo Fring

However, it is imperative to remember that moderation is vital. While Espresso can be a great ally, excessive consumption can have adverse effects. 

Also, remember that individual responses to coffee and caffeine intake can vary. For a tailored approach that suits your health, it is always wise to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. 

Cheers to making informed and healthful choices!


Graham T. E. (2001). Caffeine and exercise: metabolism, endurance and performance. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.)31(11), 785–807. 

Bracco, D., Ferrarra, J. M., Arnaud, M. J., Jequier, E., & Schutz, Y. (1995). Effects of caffeine on energy metabolism, heart rate, and methylxanthine metabolism in lean and obese women. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism

Meng, S., Cao, J., Feng, Q., Peng, J., & Hu, Y. (2013). Roles of chlorogenic Acid on regulating glucose and lipids metabolism: a review. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM2013, 801457.

Einöther, S. J., & Giesbrecht, T. (2013). Caffeine as an attention enhancer: reviewing existing assumptions. Psychopharmacology225(2), 251–274.

Matthew M. Schubert, Christopher Irwin, Rebekah F. Seay, Holly E. Clarke, Deanne Allegro & Ben Desbrow (2017) Caffeine, coffee, and appetite control: a review, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 68:8, 901-912, DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2017.1320537
