Is Espresso Good for Weight Loss? 5 Surprising Benefits!

Is Espresso Good for Weight Loss? 5 Surprising Benefits!

Onwards with the weight loss train. Just as I put another Nespresso pod into my machine, waiting to extract the black liquid frothy goodness and smelling the aroma of the morning cuppa. I wondered whether Espresso helps me lose weight. It sparked the train of thought and investigative journey.  In this post, we will dig into…

Epic Dances in Your Room: The Ultimate Weight Loss Hack!

Epic Dances in Your Room: The Ultimate Weight Loss Hack!

Hey there, my fitness-seeking comrades! After our motivational leg day training quotes post last week, let’s switch gears and talk about cardio and aerobics. One of my all-time favorite at-home workouts: Dancing!  “Is dance even a workout?” You might ask. 100% YES.  1. Dancing is a calorie burn ninja. It’s stealthy in a way that you…