an illustration inspire viewers to explore the hidden gems of hobbies and embrace the soothing benefits they offer

9 Hobbies That Are Overstimulated Women’s Best Kept Secrets

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Dear fellow sensitive souls, are you tired of the constant noise and chaos?

In our previous post, “Seize Control: Outwit Overstimulation Now!“, we delved into the overwhelming effects of overstimulation and shared some valuable strategies to regain our inner balance.

But here’s the exciting part—I’ve handpicked 9 incredible hobbies for women that are EASY TO START. And specifically tailored to help us find solace and rejuvenation.

These hobbies are like soothing balm for our weary souls. They provide a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos.

So, get ready to dive in and discover how these great hobbies can transform our lives. Let’s reclaim our serenity, one great hobby, at a time.

Quick Recap on Overstimulation

As mentioned in our last post, overstimulation is like a mental traffic jam.

It’s like a never-ending assault on your senses, leaving you feeling completely drained, irritable, and on edge.

That’s what overstimulation is all about. It’s that overwhelming feeling when the world around you is just too much to handle.

But don’t worry! We’re in this together. I’ve got some amazing solutions for you in the world of hobbies.

Hobbies: Your Path to Serenity

Hobbies are more than just a fun way to pass the time; they are powerful tools that can lead us to a state of serenity and balance.

For many women, engaging in hobbies can provide a much-needed escape from the demands of daily life.

hobbies as escape from the demanding day to day

Benefits of Having a Good Hobby

Having a good hobby can have a profound impact on your well-being. Here are some benefits to consider:

1 – Stress Relief: Unwind, Relax, Recharge

Life can get overwhelming, and that’s where hobbies come to the rescue!

Engaging in hobbies provides the perfect escape from the daily pressures and stressors that weigh us down.

2 – Personal Growth: Learn, Challenge, Accomplish

Hobbies aren’t just about having fun; they also offer a space for personal growth and development.

When we have new passion and immerse ourselves in a new skill or creative hobby, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-confidence, and self-improvement.

3 – Balance and Self-Care: Prioritize Your Well-being

Amidst all other responsibilities and the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s crucial to prioritize your own well-being.

Hobbies give you permission to focus on yourself and indulge in activities that bring you pure joy and fulfillment.

9 Hobbies for Women Who Are Overstimulated

Hobby #1: Learning a New Language – Broadening Horizons

Whether you’ve always dreamt of speaking French fluently or want to conquer the intricate tones of Mandarin, learning a new language is a rewarding and fun hobby.

It challenges your mind, expands your cultural understanding, and opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

learn a new language

Discover Cultural Insights

As you immerse yourself in the language, you’ll uncover fascinating nuances, discover unique expressions, and gain insight into the rich tapestry of a different culture.

Explore a variety of resources

Explore local language classes, language learning apps like Duolingo and Babbel, online courses, and YouTube tutorials.

These accessible and engaging platforms are fantastic ways to help jumpstart your language learning journey.

Pro Tip #1: Start learning languages with Duolingo for FREE

  • The FREE version of Duolingo provides access to a wide range of language courses

  • It offers engaging and interactive exercises to help beginners learn

  • Some limitations with the free version: presence of ads, advanced lessons, limited “hearts” for attempting questions

Pro Tip #2: Check your company benefits for language learning

  • Some companies offer professional/personal development funds or reimbursements

  • Check with your manager or human resources team to see if language learning is eligible for those funds or reimbursements

Pro Tip #3: Explore your local community for language classes

  • Local community centers often offers affordable language classes and series

  • Explore your local recreational center or community college’s continued education program

Hobby #2: Yoga – Embracing Mind-Body Connection

Find Your Inner Zen

Take a deep breath and find your inner zen with the practice of yoga. It offers a sanctuary where you can retreat and reconnect with your inner self.

Through gentle movements, deep breathing techniques, and mindful meditation, yoga harmonizes your mind, body, and spirit.

yoga movements with cat

Release Tension, Cultivate Calm

As you flow through each pose, you’ll feel the tension melt away, replaced by a sense of calm and centeredness.

Yoga not only improves flexibility and strengthens your body but also nurtures your overall health and mental well-being.

It helps to reduce stress levels, enhance focus, and cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness.

Create Your Serene Sanctuary

Join local yoga classes to meet like-minded individuals or follow online tutorials to create your own serene sanctuary at home.

Pro Tip #1: Check for first-time FREE class

  • Yoga studios often offer 1-time FREE class to attract new customers and for them to see if the class is the right fit

  • Check with your desired local yoga studios to see if they offer that and give it a roll (see what I did there? Coz you “roll” out the mat? 🙂

Youtube Yoga channels and videos that I really enjoy and would recommend:

Hobby #3: Reading – Escaping to Other Worlds

Escape reality and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of books, where limitless adventures and intriguing characters await.

Reading is not only a delightful and rewarding hobby, but also a gateway to relaxation, stress reduction, and an active imagination.

Discover New Realms through Literature

From thrilling mysteries to heartwarming romances, there’s a book for every mood and interest.

Get lost in the pages as you embark on literary journeys that transport you to distant lands and allow you to experience diverse cultures and perspectives.

baby get lost in the pages

Carve Out Dedicated Time

In our fast-paced lives, it’s crucial to carve out dedicated time for reading.

Make it a ritual to prioritize this self-care activity and indulge in the pleasure of reading regularly.

My favorite are the mystery/sci-fi thriller genres. What are yours?

Hobby #4: Meditative Coloring – Tapping into Creativity

Unlock your inner artist and experience the therapeutic benefits of meditative coloring.

This creative and fun hobby that offers a much-needed break from the demands of daily life while providing a sense of relaxation and stress relief.

Coloring intricate designs with beautiful hues allows you to stay mentally engaged while finding a sense of calm and tranquility.

Embrace Your Creative Side

Coloring is not just for children—it’s a creative outlet that adults can enjoy too.

Engaging in this simple yet fulfilling and rewarding activity that can boost your mood, uplift your spirits, and provide a welcome escape from the daily grind.

What You’ll Need:

  1. A coloring book of your choice

    • There are many affordable options available on Amazon

    • Just find something that interests you

    • I personally enjoy beautiful worlds and escapes, so Secret Tokyo: Color Your Way to Calm is one of my favorites

  2. Colored pencils

    • You don’t need anything fancy to start enjoying the benefits of coloring

    • I still use Faber-Castell 12 goldfaber colored pencils that I bought 4 years ago. (I can’t find it on Amazon anymore). But there are articles such as this one, “The Best Colored Pencils” from Wirecutter, that can help you with more research on quality affordable colored pencils.

Hobby #5: Baking – Finding Delight in the Kitchen

Take a Break with Baking

Baking is not only a rewarding and fun hobby, but also a delicious way to find joy and comfort in the kitchen.

Whether you’re whipping up a batch of cookies, kneading dough for bread, or experimenting with a new cake recipe, the process of baking allows you to take a break from the chaos and immerse yourself in a delightful culinary adventure.

baking with delight

Stress Reduction and Expressing Love for Food

Engaging in the process of creating something from scratch allows you to focus on the task at hand, providing a sense of mindfulness and relaxation.

The act of measuring, mixing, and decorating can be therapeutic and satisfying.

Plus, sharing your baked goods with others adds an extra layer of joy and fulfillment.

I had a phase when I was really into grain-free dessert making, so I can eat guilt-free. This Hearty Paleo Banana Bread recipe was my go-to. Do you have a favorite baking recipe?

Hobby #6: Journaling – Unleashing Your Thoughts

Finding Solace in Journaling

In the midst of the chaos and busyness of everyday life, journaling offers a therapeutic escape where you can find solace and clarity.

It’s a personal journey that allows you to unleash your thoughts, emotions, dreams, and aspirations onto the pages of your journal.

By putting pen to paper, you create a safe space to express yourself, reflect on your experiences, and gain a deeper understanding of your inner world.

journaling help with self expressions and reflections

Promoting Mental Well-being

Journaling allows you to confront your fears, anxieties, and frustrations, ultimately helping you gain control over them.

It also provides a safe space to reframe negative thoughts, challenge self-limiting beliefs and self confidence, and cultivate a more positive mindset.

Pro Tip #1: Splurge on Beautiful Journals

This tip came from the attempt to make journaling a habit for myself a few years back. I needed some ways to make journaling stick, and I thought to myself:

“If I have a beautiful journal, I would probably look at it and write in it more often”

Sounds a bit shallow? I know. But it worked for me!

Now every time I’m close to finishing one, I pick another favorite to continue.

Here are my collections so far:

3 Paperblanks journals I've collected, written in, and deeply treasure.

They are made by the brand, Paperblanks, and are available on Amazon.

In case you are curious, here are the links to Amazon for the journals in the picture from left to right:

There are plenty other designs available, feel free to explore and find what resonates with you the most

I cannot recommend these beautiful journals enough:

  1. I love their Flexi series, the cover is not too hard and fairly flexible

  2. It’s portable, not too chunky

  3. The cover designs are gorgeous, dreamy, and imaginative (which is perfect to inspire writing!)

  4. The paper is high quality and super smooth to write on, inky pens don’t easily bleed over

  5. Each journal contains a back pocket to store additional notes, papers, etc

  6. Some journals also have lined or unlined options

Some Things to Journal About

I try to write daily before I go to bed. Things that I’m grateful for. Things that I’m proud of myself accomplishing that day, and priorities/goals for the next day.

Sometimes when I’m stressed or overwhelmed, I just let it flow and jot down my thoughts and feelings. No judgements.

Reflecting on Previous Entries

What I absolutely love about journaling is revisiting what I’ve wrote. Especially the ones on the same day but a year or two ago and so on.

I love being able to look back at the progress made in life, and see how much growth (in different areas of life) I was able to embrace, overcome, and achieve.

It gives me the courage, momentum, and inspiration to continue forward.

Hobby #7: Scrapbooking

When it comes to scrapbooking, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

It’s a great hobby, that offers endless possibilities for self-expression and storytelling.

While the traditional focus is on preserving personal memories through photographs, scrapbooking can be so much more than that.

scrapbooking by putting collages together

Unleash creative expression

Scrapbooking is all about capturing the essence of your life’s journey.

Yes, it involves arranging photos, ticket stubs, and handwritten notes on beautiful pages. But it can also go beyond that.

Scrapbooking can be a canvas for collecting quotes, inspiring images, and anything else that speaks to your heart.

World of Inspiration and Creativity

Are you drawn to powerful quotes that capture the essence of a moment? Do you find inspiration in images that evoke emotions or set the tone for your memories? Then incorporate them into your scrapbook!

Magazine clippings, handwritten notes, or even snippets from online platforms can find a special place in your pages.

The beauty of scrapbooking is that it’s a reflection of your unique journey. You have the freedom to curate a scrapbook that showcases not only your cherished photographs but also the quotes and images that inspire you.

Mix and match, experiment, and let your creativity shine.

There’s no right or wrong way; it’s about embracing your creativity and making your scrapbook truly one-of-a-kind.

This is what I did with mine.

Hobby #8: Aromatherapy – Nurturing Your Senses

Unleashing the Magic of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a delightful hobby that taps into the therapeutic properties of essential oils. It allows you to create a serene and aromatic environment in your own home.

Whether you’re seeking stress relief, a mood boost, or simply a moment of relaxation, aromatherapy offers a natural and enjoyable way to nurture your senses and enhance your well-being.

Scents for Every Mood

The beauty of aromatherapy lies in its versatility.

Whether you’re in need of relaxation, focus, or an energy boost, there’s a scent for every mood.

Lavender is renowned for its calming properties, ideal for winding down after a long day. Peppermint offers a refreshing and invigorating aroma, perfect for boosting concentration during work or study sessions.

Ways I Incorporate More Aromatherapy in My Day-to-Day (examples):

  1. I use a Blooming Wisteria Diffuser for my office so i step in with a calm and refreshing smell

  2. Throughout the workday I roll on some Saje’s Solace oil blend to help comfort, uplift, and revitalize

  3. At least once a week I take a nice hot bath with Dr. Teal’s Foaming Bath

    • Soothe & Sleep with Lavender, Relax & Relief with Eucalyptus & Spearmint, and Calm & Serenity with Rose are my absolute favorite go-tos for a self-care night. They are available as a gift set on Amazon.

  4. Afterwards I use Bath & Body Work’s Aromatherapy body massage oil for GuaSha. (I just love the smell. I literally just bought 2 more bottles of these the past weekend. Their store’s Mix & Match deals are the best!)

  5. When I’m not using oil, I try to lather their Aromatherapy body lotion for body hydration

Hobby #9: Forest Bathing – Connecting with Nature

Embrace the Healing Power of Nature: The Magic of Forest Bathing

We’ve wrote about this fantastic way to nurture our sense of balance, replenish our souls and energy in our previous post here.

This wonderful hobby involves immersing yourself in the serene beauty of local parks or nature reserves, allowing the fresh air and the healing power of nature to wash over you.

The Art of Forest Bathing

Forest bathing is not about hiking or rushing through the trails.

It’s a practice of mindful meandering, of being fully present in the moment and immersing yourself in nature’s embrace.

How to do Forest Bathing

  1. Take slow, deliberate steps as you explore the forest at your own pace

  2. Allow your senses to awaken to the sights, sounds, and scents around you

  3. Pause to observe the intricate details of a wildflower

  4. Listen to the symphony of bird calls

  5. Run your fingers along the rough bark of ancient trees

Let go of distractions and let the serenity of nature wash over you, grounding you in the present and inviting a sense of calm.

So, lace up your shoes, venture into the forest, and let the wonders of nature restore and inspire you.

Tips for Choosing the Right Hobby

Now that we’ve explored these calming hobbies for women, it’s time to choose the one that resonates with you. Here are some tips to guide you along the way:

  1. Follow your passions

    • Consider your interests and what brings you joy

    • Choose a hobby that aligns with your passions or something you’ve always wanted to try

  2. Start simple

    • Begin with hobbies that require minimal resources or equipment

    • This allows you to ease into the practice without feeling overwhelmed

  3. Consider your environment

    • This includes your living space, time availability, and any constraints you may have

    • Adapt your hobbies to fit your unique circumstances

  4. Embrace exploration

    • Don’t be afraid to try different hobbies

    • Open to discover unexpected passions

  5. Listen to your intuition

    • Trust your instincts and choose a hobby that intuitively feels right for you

    • It’s a personal journey, what brings solace to one person may differ for another

Fun Ways to Engage in Hobbies for women

Don’t be afraid to try different activities and explore new avenues. Keep things fresh by doing fun hobbies, rotating between different hobbies or incorporating multiple fun hobbies into your routine.

Example #1: Language Learning, Yoga, and Journaling: Start your day with a language learning session to exercise your mind, followed by a rejuvenating yoga session. Take some time to journal your thoughts and reflections, allowing for self-expression and personal growth.

Example #2: Yoga, Aromatherapy, and Forest Bathing: Begin your day with a calming yoga practice to promote mind-body connection. Enhance your relaxation further by incorporating aromatherapy, utilizing essential oils to create a serene environment. Venture outdoors for a refreshing forest bathing experience, connecting with nature and rejuvenating your senses after a long day.


It’s time to level up your relaxation game! These nine hobbies for women are like secret weapons against overstimulation.

From language learning to forest bathing and everything in between, they offer a fun way to escape from the chaos that are easy to start. So, mix it up and keep things fresh!

Try yoga one day, meditative coloring the next, and why not throw in some forest bathing on the weekends?

Don’t be afraid to get creative and explore new hobbies for women. So go ahead, indulge in these hidden gems, and let them become your secret weapons in the battle against overstimulation.

Self-care is not selfish—it’s essential. These hobbies are your secret weapons to combat overstimulation and find your balance.

So, go ahead, indulge in the joy of hobbies, and let them become your allies in the battle against everyday chaos.

Tell us, which hobby are you most excited to try? We can’t wait to hear about your journey to serenity!
